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Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate)

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (enlargement of the prostate)


This condition is common among most men and becomes more frequent with age, affecting around 40% of men at 50 years old and up to 90% at 90 years old. It manifests as obstruction of bladder emptying due to the increased volume of the prostate.
This results in symptoms such as difficulty urinating, increased urinary frequency (especially at night), weak urine flow, a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, and, in more severe cases, urinary incontinence or acute urinary retention.

The main risk factor for this condition is age, although other factors such as family history, obesity, diabetes, and hypertension also contribute. Diagnosis is made through a detailed medical history and tests such as ultrasound or endoscopic examination of the prostate.
Treatment for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia may include medications to relieve symptoms by relaxing the prostate or reducing its size. However, when symptoms are severe, surgery may be required.

Although there are no specific prevention methods, regular physical exercise, a healthy diet, and regular medical consultations for early diagnosis are essential for more effective treatment and for improving the quality of life for men affected by this condition.



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